Welcome to M&M Nuts
M&M Nuts strive to be the link between South African nut farmers and international buyers by providing expertise and knowledge in the trading of nuts. The mantra that directs M&M Nuts is raising the standard of business operations through excellence while having fun doing it!
M&M Nuts' extensive knowledge and experience in nut trading support the three key competencies needed to execute service delivery.

Targeted Sourcing



M&M Nuts is your gateway to quality nuts from South Africa. As industry specialists in the nut industry, M&M Nuts has connections with farmers, processors, and other integral service providers like oil press manufacturers. Exceptional quality standards are offered and M&M Nuts costing and marketing models make the process of buying nuts, seamless and enjoyable.
M&M Nuts is passionate about trading nuts which is why long-lasting and solid relationships with both farmers and buyers are essential.

From Farmers
Farmers benefit from M&M Nuts' direct selling approach by getting their stock sold at the best possible price. In many cases, M&M Nuts get the farmer closer to the buyer - shortening the value chain.

To Buyers
Buyers receive top-quality sourced nuts, adding value to their specific industry whether it is the consumer market, industrial ingredients market, or the cosmetic market. We ensure they get the quality they pay for!
Currently, M&M Nuts supply pecan nuts, macadamia nuts and peanuts to wholesalers and manufacturers in South Africa, Asia, USA and EU.